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  • #380330

    Problem: When using the Masonry element to display my blogs the featured images are not showing up on cell phones in portrait position and in the the landscape position the images a cut down to a narrow strip. However when I use the Blog Posts element they show up.

    How do I get them to show in the Masonry element.

    For your purpose I’ve added both the Blog Post element (On Top) and the Masonry element (Below Separator Line) to show you what I’m talking about. See private data for Link and Admin Login data you may need.


    Hey voice903fm!

    did you already try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing the issue?



    No I have not. With all the edits done. I’m a little nervous to do that……LOL You have the admin info feel free to troubleshoot it if you wish.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by voice903fm. Reason: typo


    You can change the opacity of the masonry content background to show the featured image as background entry background. Try this on Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .main_color .container .av-inner-masonry-content {
    background: rgba(255,255,255,.7);

    Or set the masonry content to show on hover. Edit the masonry element then look for Element Title and Excerpt.

    Best regards,


    Ok, I tried the suggestions and still getting the missing images. Did any of the Moderators use the admin credential to log in and see where the problem is? I’m running our of production time and this issue is a huge setback. Please look into this for me.

    ISMAEL: You suggestion for the image as background is unacceptable.



    Alright. We can increase the width of the columns:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top .container .av-masonry-col-flexible .av-masonry-entry {
    width: 100%;



    Ok, Ismael, that is showing part of the image now. Is there a way to show full image like in the regular blog post element?
    Also it’s only showing in 1 column even with me having the settings to 2 columns for the Masonry element. I need two columns.



    Aside from increasing the width of the column to 100% and hiding the excerpt and title on mobile view, I’m not sure if there is any easy solution. I’ll ask the rest Kriesi and the rest of the support team to take a look.




    Mind updating the theme to version 3.05. I have improved a few automated layout settings that might help on this particular case :)

    Best regards,


    Kriesi, I’m using the child theme of ENFOLD. There’s a warning on the ENFOLD admin area update screen that says:

    Attention: Any modifications made to the Theme Files will be lost when updating. If you did change any files (Custom CSS rules or PHP file modifications for example) make sure to create a theme backup.

    Your backend settings, posts and pages wont be affected by the update.

    Is it safe to still click update? I don’t want to lose my edits and customized settings.



    If you are using a child theme and did not modify any core files of the original theme (css or php files) you should be 100% safe :)



    Cool, I will update the theme. Question? Will the new updates still require me to keep Ismeal CSS code or should I remove it?

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top .container .av-masonry-col-flexible .av-masonry-entry {
    width: 100%;

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by voice903fm. Reason: Typo


    Please remove the codes we suggested above. :)



    Ok, I upgraded to the new theme version and I removed the following code you gave me.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top .container .av-masonry-col-flexible .av-masonry-entry {
    width: 100%;

    It’s still showing only 1 column and one image in landscape. Yes, I have it set to 2 columns in the admin section.

    Kriesi: How can we get the images to display in 2 columns and display the post featured image in a square format for mobile devices?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by voice903fm. Reason: Add a note


    There’s just not enough space to accommodate the featured image and the content if you set the columns to 2. You should consider setting the masonry columns to 1 when viewing the site on mobile devices. Add the code again:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top .container .av-masonry-col-flexible .av-masonry-entry {
    width: 100%;

    I’ll ask Kriesi to take a look.



    Why do it work perfect in Blog Post element ? It shows the full photo and the 2 columns.



    Because the blog posts element is not using the isotope script which dynamically calculates the position of the masonry entries. You can replace the masonry element with the Blog Posts element then select Display entries from a custom taxonomy > Portfolio Entries.



    Until you find a fix I’ll have to use it the way it is for now. Thanks guys. You can close this thread,

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