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  • #207124

    Hey guys, my site is and I’d like to get the blog post view-able in a straight line like,
    (Thumbnail pic)-Title above Excerpt – Read more…
    Instead of the pic being above the excerpt. Basically more like a rectangle for each post. Also how can I get rid of “January 8, 2014/0 Comments/in General /by Barabbas” before my excerpts? I tried changing the options and different preview pics and I couldn’t get it in a rectangle shape. I tried searching the forums for an answer in hopes someone else asked the same thing but I guess I’m the noob here lol.

    Found my answer by accident. Sorry for posting.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Barabbas.

    Hey Barabbas!

    Glad you figured it out! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues


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