When you open my blog, on the right side there there are CATEGORIES.
The problem is that in some of them such as HEALTH CONDITIONS there are over 20 different articles (subjects) and it is impossible to quickly check what are the titles of these articles as there is no SUBCATEGORIES option here.
Could you let me know how to make SUBCATEGORIES showing list of titles of the articles after clicking on a specific CATEGORY please?
Hey Slawomir,
This is not a default feature of wordpress, however there is an easy way to display the post title in the category please give this plugin a try https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-dtree-30/
Best regards,
Thanks Vinay,
I have installed it and activated but don’t know how to use it :(
Could you help me with this or share a link please?
Thanks Vinay,
I have learned how to use it.
It is great. Thanks again