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  • #22691

    Hi there,

    So I’m not sure what’s going on here but I added a categories widget to the sidebar on the blog and for some reason they don’t work.

    If you click on Wedddings for example, it reloads the page, but will all blog entries, not just the weddings. Also the header changes correctly to: Archive for category: Weddings

    but, strangely enough when you click on that header, it randomly links to one of the blog posts. In this example:

    Archive for category: Weddings header links to:

    Any ideas what’s going on and a fix?




    Looks like Archives doesn’t work either to go to a specific time period.


    Forgot to include link to blog:


    Hi Topher,

    Try updating the theme files to the most recent version available from your downloads on Themeforest. Kriesi has been releasing bug fixes pretty rapidly and I want to make sure this isn’t something that was already fixed in 1.3 (you are currently on 1.2).





    I can reproduce the bug and I’ll submit a patch soon. Should be included in the next update. For now use another blog layout – the error only occurs with the “Grid Layout”.

    Best regards,


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