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  • #1254606

    Ich habe das Layout meiner Blog Seite eingestellt auf Standard (Geschäftlich)
    Listen*Layout – Auszug (Nur Titel, Meta-Information und Textauszug)

    Um mein Archiv und Kategorie ebenso anzeigen zu lassen, habe ich folgenden Code eingegeben.

    add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_archive_blog_layout', 10, 2); 
    function avia_change_archive_blog_layout($layout, $context){
    if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'single-big';
    return $layout;
    add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_category_blog_layout_2', 10, 2); 
    function avia_change_category_blog_layout_2($layout, $context){
       if(is_post_type_archive("projects")) $layout = 'single-big';
       return $layout;

    leider wird es trotzdem anders dargestellt, was kann ich tun?


    Hey Lin84,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The name of the blog_style should be bloglist-excerpt instead of single-big. Please replace the snippet or filter with the following code.

    add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_archive_blog_layout', 10, 2); 
    function avia_change_archive_blog_layout($layout, $context){
        if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'bloglist-excerpt';
        return $layout;

    Best regards,


    Great, that has worked before.
    One more little thing. Can I also hide the author in the archive.

    And hide the comments for both



    Please add following code to bottom of Quick CSS field in Enfold theme options > General Styling

    .archive .text-sep.text-sep-cat,
    .archive .blog-author.minor-meta,
    .archive .text-sep.text-sep-comment,
    .archive .comment-container.minor-meta {
        display: none;

    Best regards,

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