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  • #1024147

    Blog is showing the full post, not just the excerpt.
    Once it is off the list on ENFOLD THEME SETTING it works.
    Here is my setting:
    1) On WP Settings | Reading it’s set to static page (Home) and (Blog/News)
    2) On Enfold setting
    Theme setting I have ‘Home’ and now ‘contact’ (for blog)
    Blog layout I have ‘elegant’ + Multi Author + disable post navi unchecked + Multi Author + Disabled + Checked all post meta elements.
    3) On the ‘blog’ page I use the ‘blog posts’ content element and selected “Excerpt with read more link”

    If I change the theme setting to Blog/news it only shows the full posts. If I put it to anything but Blog/News it works | | — all have the same behavior.

    It works for me that way. Still wondering and thought I let you know.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by AxelSchultze.

    Hey Axel,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,

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