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  • #1313622

    Dear Enfold Team,
    I’m running WordPress 5.8 and Enfold 4.8.5. I last used the Block Editor on July 11th… but now it no longer appears when I try and create a new post.
    I’ve tried switching to the ALB and then back to the default, but when I do I see only the block editor control for changing the type of block, but nothing else. Screenshot and website address in private content.
    Are there any current known issues? I’m running 20 plugins (including Jetpack), so I’m hoping that I don’t have to play the game of turning off and on all plugins to debug this.
    Please advise.
    Many thanks for the help!


    Dear All,
    I believe I’ve isolated the problem to the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Once I’ve found a fix, I’ll publish it.


    Hi Tim,

    Thanks for the update. We’ll keep this thread open for you.

    Best regards,


    Dear All,
    After working with the ACF support team, it appears the problem was a browser issue. I’m still on Mac OS Cataline and almost exclusively use Safari. When I switched to Google Chrome, the problem was no longer there.
    Case closed.


    Hey Tim,

    Thanks for the update!
    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!


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