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  • #250982

    Hi to the team !

    I’m running the latest versions of Enfold and WordPress and I stumbled upon the same problem as described here :

    I found out how to get rid of the top “empty” header but one problem remains : when you scroll down to the next section via the button (I use a fullscreen slider), you get a new “empty” header corresponding to the height of a sticky header when you scroll down. I’ve been using the “minimum 100% of the browser height” for my color sections but I’m now loosing the benefit of it. I think it’s related to the new option for pages to have a fade-in sticky header, leaving an empty space when you use a template with no-header. Here is an example (just click on the button to scroll down) :

    Is there any fix for that issue ?

    Good day to you !



    Hi FLQA!

    One of the problems is specificity, to fix this use the following :

    .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #main {
      padding-top: 0!important;

    The other problem is the height of the slider, i did some testing and it appears to be working ( on my end ) if you set the slider height to 315px, though this will need some testing/tweaking on your end.

    Best regards,


    Hi David,

    Thank you for your reply. Like I said in my first message, I already fixed the padding-top issue thanks to Gingerstu (see link in my first message). About that, I wouldn’t recommend the fix you provide, since it will affect all pages and mess up the header everywhere else (for people using a sticky header at least).

    For my second issue, I am really sorry but I don’t understand how changing the height of a full screen (hence 100% height) slider would solve the problem. Anyway, it’s not a big deal and I can use the workaround (adding extra color sections to manually force a full-screen result) that I was using before the “minimum 100% of the browser height” feature was added to color sections.

    Still, I kind of have the feeling that this “Ghost Header” is a collateral damage due to the new (and great !) “fade-in sticky header” that is not “compatible” with the Blank Template (no header). If that’s really the case, I thought it would be a good idea to notify the team for the next update. ;)

    Thank you for your time,


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by FLQA.


    Thank you for the info.

    Please edit js > avia.js, find this code on line 614:

    if(tempPadding > 0 && shrink) 
    						tempPadding = (tempPadding / 2 ) + non_shrinking + non_shrinking2;
    						tempPadding = tempPadding + non_shrinking + non_shrinking2;

    Replace it with:

    if(tempPadding > 0 && shrink && !$('body').hasClass('page-template-template-blank-php')) 
    						tempPadding = (tempPadding / 2 ) + non_shrinking + non_shrinking2;
    					else if ( $('body').hasClass('page-template-template-blank-php') ) 
    						tempPadding = non_shrinking + non_shrinking2;
    						tempPadding = tempPadding + non_shrinking + non_shrinking2;

    I hope that helps.



    Great ! Thanks Ismael, that should do the trick !

    Thank you to both of you for your quick support.

    Good day to the whole team !



    Worked like a charm. ;) Thx again !

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