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  • #1059109

    Hello team,
    finally I tried to update Enfold last version to WP 5.0.3 version.
    But even if I installed classic editor plugin, nothing is working in the editor.
    I can’t edit the existing ones because I can’t see the text. The html text is there but it is white in the blank background. So I can’t see it without passing the mouse over it.
    I can’t create a new one.
    There are also a lot of issues envolving WP general functioning. I can’t disable or activate plugins for example.
    I tried to disable some plugins as Autoptimize, Shortpixel and WP fastest cache but nothing changes.
    I restored the previous WP version 4.9.8.
    Any guess to help me?
    Thanks a lot.
    UPDATE: I disabled YOAST SEO plugin and the issue is partially solved. But to see my post in Visual editor I have to click in Text editor and then turn to Visual. Otherwise I can’t see it. Am I missing something?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by turistai.

    Hey turistai,

    Yes, our team is aware of the issue and they are working to get it shorted out properly.

    Best regards,

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