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  • #580346

    Hello there: my problem is: Blank header blank footer template doesn’t work well in responsive mode

    What can I do to make sure that what i put in a page with this template is seen well on all devices?

    Thank you :)


    i realy don’t know what you try to do.
    Here on a test environment i set this page to not show header nor footer – and as you can see – the responsivess works as well:

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.

    Please check the page attached.
    The issue is that I set it as a template: Blank: no header, no footer, but on mobile it doesn’t not fit properly within the screen.
    If I set the Template as Standard, then the responsive works.

    I hope I was clear. in case let me know

    Thank you!


    i’m a pariticipant as you are – so i don’t see the private content.
    And the info that it was the case only on mobile is missing in your starting thread

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.

    I said the word “Responsive” ;) hopefully someone from the support team will help me out, I need to launch this page asap :/



    header, footer and the rest of your website looks good to me on my mobile device. Which one are you using? please clear browser cache and check on another device as well. Can you provide screenshots of the issue please?

    Best regards,

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