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  • #336077

    I have purchased several Enfold themes and this issue resulting fro WP4 Enfodl 3 happens for the first time.
    WP4 + Enfold 3.0.1

    The short story has several components so I’ll try to keep it short:
    (1) update break ups when I try to change some layout elements using Avia, and update (save) the page, the page gets rid of most of the work, and occasionnaly gets me “back” to an early or scrappy drafted version of the page (not a draft page, just the page as it looked when it was a work in progress).
    (2) page contents “erased” upon update Sometimes, upon update (save), the page… gets blanks with all of its contents erased!
    (3) cloning issues When I try to clone a layout element such as a 1/5th column “box”, with a simple text contents, this clone shows up very close to the top of the page, and not right next to the element to be cloned, as it used to be the case before.
    (4) drag and dropping issues I experience heavy trouble dragging and dropping the cloned item, and place it where it should appear, exactly. Actually, the problem gets worse, as soon as I try to do that, and update (save) the page, two problems may happen
    (4.1) UI interface with update BTN disappears most of the AVIA and WP interface vanishes away and I can’t even access the update action button / user interface on the right hand side of WP interface, as usual.
    (4.2) other issuesif not, the page which is uploaded is an earlier version.

    I’m pretty sure some of you guys experience this and I am racing against time to deliver the website.

    I have not been able to fix this major issue, relogged and used several computers with different systems, always exhibiting the same issues.

    I tried to start everything back again from scratch and rebuild a page but nothing would happen.

    I use the autosave to restore past version by actually CANNOT SAVE the work which is done…

    [NOTE : typos corrected and precisions added for the sake of clarity]

    Alex from Paris

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Alexoidea. Reason: blank spaces typos

    Added in proof.
    The problems described above happen on a child theme. However, some of the issues described herein also happen on another Enfold website (no child thmee, I know it’s bad anyway) on which I simultaneously work. The issue I am having with this other website is loss of WP4 interface (and access to the update BTN) after having made changes on a real clean avia layout page. The siple operation I did thence was simply getting rid of the default rounded tip of images. I didn’t change anything else. And BAM… Loss of interface!

    How weirdy.

    A from Paris


    Alexoidea I been having the exact same problem! See my post “bottom of page disappears when editing”


    To me this is a mayday.
    Kriesi team have received all website credentials.
    I tried to edit a page and when I cliecked update all the contents vanishes.
    I’ve been using enfold for years. The moral is very low.
    As I save my pages they disappear.
    Mayday, Mayday

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Alexoidea. Reason: typos

    Hey A!

    Can you please try re-updating the theme via FTP and make sure to overwrite all files –
    There are some errors in console.



    Thank you for this reply. I do that immediately.


    It does not work.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Since it does not work at all, suggest to cleanse, and wipe things out, by delete the entire enfold parent theme folder, while preserving the child theme, and re-upload a “new” parent theme.


    Did it and again, nothing Changes. :(


    The weirdy thing: I can preview a page, but when I try to either
    (1) save it (“update”)
    (2) “view” it
    (3) make the slightest change (i.e. moving a spacer, suppressing a word – whatever) and then update it
    … it all gets blank!


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Alexoidea. Reason: typos

    Ah ha! If you are using the plugin BWP Minify or another caching plugin, be sure to add new avia or layerslider or … to the list of the “styles not to Minify” under the Manage Enqueued files tab. Changes are the viewable. This was a tricky one, because if you were like me – you kept purging server and browser cache without any saved changes appearing. Hope this solution helps you.



    : Which specific page are you referring to? Please give us a link. Did you add any html codes on that page?

    : Thank you for pointing that out. I hope it helps other.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    In the mean time, as I need to make progress, I try to keep bulding what I can build and edit some images, and fiel tags.



    @welswebmaster: Hi. Thank you for this comment, but I am not using BWP Minify plugin.
    I had the minimun WP default plugins configured on the test website – of which none were activated.
    The only external plugin I added and activated is “Updraft Plus” in its premium version (
    What I did :
    (1) I disabled “Updraft Plus” at one point, meaning no single plug-in were active
    (2) I emptied the cache, again.
    (3) I tested Avia builde
    But none of these measures solved the problem.
    I’m still stuck


    For whatever reasons, I successfully “built” one very simple, additional, text-only page today (!!!).
    The behavior became erratic when I started to add a spacing bar… The interface vashished again.



    I created a test page using the Festival 2014 layout and added new contents. The added contents are preserved after the update. I noticed that you’re using a lot of inline styling and a bunch of html codes on top of one another. If you miss a single closing tag, it will erase all contents below. This is the test page using the tempate:

    Best regards,


    Dear Ismael,
    (1) first of, a big thank you to you and the whole Kriesi team. I can’t say it better: the support team is great, ALWAYS here and this buys a peace of mind found nowhere else.
    (2) Please also accept my apologies for not responding earlier – i had to handle some other “stuff”.
    (3) I saw all of what you did. “Hey” thank you. ;)
    (4) Your remarks are correct and the code will be cleansed, and way cleaner. Let us say that I adapt to new requirements and search a lot. Cleaning up a few pages will be easier after
    (5) To me, the main issue with this ticket is using firefox (FF). To fix that, I simply use Chrome and there is nothing to complain about – for me at least.
    So we all keep this going. The Enfold theme may experience some little issues when there is a big release or WP upgrade but this is something we should all expect when we release something new in the blue and get feedback. I do accept that part of the game. And whatever problem we have, Kriesi always fixes it nicely. So. Enfold is like a present, and we should take it like that. Sometimes people do not realize how much they get for so little money. All my friends to whom I recommended Enfold started or switched to WordPress because of this theme. It empowers us to make many things possible.



    Glad this is sorted out. Thank you for the kind words and for recommending Enfold. :)


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