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  • #281245

    I have an big issue, i am using a child theme. At first, some of the editing i was working on doesn´t take effect, I disabled the 4 plugins i have active (timthumb vulnerability scanner, wordpress importer and WP supercache). Nothing cahnge. The i set to deffault the permalinks. Nothing happens remains the same. Tired of this situation i thogut that could be some trouble during installation, so i updated the theme via ftp. Now the general styling was reset to the parent theme deffaults, colors, logo styles,etc. everything, but in one page that remains the style i have before!
    Also now when i go to theme options, the settings are the parent deffaults, in front page settings there are no pages to display, but when i go to pages there are all the pages (!) seems to be a trouble there. Also when i go to any page, edit something, update, until there is ok but when i click view page it sends me out the admin,
    I dont have a clue of what is going on
    i leave you credentials below
    Please help!

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by smorrone. Reason: missing ftp credentials

    Hi smorrone!

    When you updated over FTP did you change the name of the theme or anything like that?

    I’m getting a 403 error when trying to access the wp-admin to log in so I’m not sure what is happening there.

    Try re-naming your plugins folder to temp-plugins and see if you can log in then. That will temporarily deactivate all of your plugins. Then when you change the folder name back to plugins it should keep them deactivated so you can re-activate one at a time.

    When disabling any caching plugin make sure to always clear the cache its using so that its not still pulling it up on the front end even with it not active.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I deactivated the plugins as indicated, part of the problem still remains. I set up again the styles, in some parts the font that i choose doest take effect. In order to view pages in theme options to set up the landing page i have to change the status to publish anthen they apear there. If the pages are “private” the problem remains.
    I really need some help here



    I’m sorry but we can’t access the wp dashboard. There is a “forbidden” error.


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hey Salvador!

    I was able to change the permalink setting and the theme main color setting (changed to red) too:

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue, thats odd i see the color change, but if you, pay atention the navigation lines in the menu remains in Cyan. I also changed the color to green and stills red about 10 minutes ago while a made some screen shots. Well, now is updated, don´t know why is taking so much time refreshing the changes
    Also change de capitalization of the the text in please check it in the back end i paste some links with screen shots.
    Can you take a look please



    Thank you for the screenshots.

    You have a cache plugin installed. Disable it while editing the theme.



    Hi Ismael, i think that, the plug ins are not part of the issue, at least at this time i have disable all the plug ins via FTP renaming the folder of each plugin since i have the first malfunction, and the bug is still there. Now with your input i review Devin´s instructions and rename de the plug in folder to temp plugins. And nothing changed, the issue is still there, what other thing might be causing the problem?


    Hi ismael new finding. I changed the format to “Title 3” instead of “Title2” and worked fine, the issue appears only when using “Title 2” Can you look at it and tell me what to fix to work in a proper way?



    I tried to access the website but it takes me to a Forbidden error page. Regarding the title capitalization, just add this on Quick CSS or custom.css:

    .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h1, .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h2 {
    text-transform: none;
    letter-spacing: 1px;

    Also, the WP Super Cache plugin is not installed correctly.

    <!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The constant WPCACHEHOME must be set in the file wp-config.php and point at the WP Super Cache plugin directory. -->

    Please go to wp-content/plugins folder. Delete the cache plugin then install it again.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael i updated de credentials to accese de site, anyway, as i told you before i changed the element to “title 3” and works. I am going to follow your instructions adding the code to Quick CSS and deleting and updating the plug in.



    We’ll keep the thread open. I hope it fix the issues. Please let us know.

    Best regards,

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