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  • #307356


    what would be the best way to embed a pdf file on a page in Enfold? I tried

    <object data=”file.pdf” type=”application/pdf” width=”700″ height=”700”></object>

    in a text box, but am getting all sorts of problems

    – embedded pdf scrolls over the page header
    – left sidebar menu is lost, visible when embedding html code is taken out
    – html code disappears next time I try to edit the text box.

    Many thanks for your help.


    Hi gorkas!

    You could try adding in the raw code for it to a code element on the page. Aside from that I would suggest looking for a plugin that has an easy way of adding pdfs into a page that are usable since the theme doesn’t have anything built in for it.



    I am also looking how to embed a PDF or any document type. I found this plugin which looks ideal and simply adds an “Add Document” button to the post editor.

    However Enfold’s Avia Layout Builder doesn’t show any additional “Add Document” from the plugin – is there a way to change between Avia Layout and normal post editor for when we need this?

    This will be the same issue for any other plugins that add functions to the Post Editor, like any PDF Embed type plugins.

    Please advise any suggestions – thanks.



    Please try using this plugin – or this one –



    You can easily embed a PDF without using any plugin at all, use HTML object tag instead.

    1. In Enfold, create a “Text Block” element
    2. in the editor, input the code in the “text” fane, not in “visual” mode
    3. syntax is: <object data=”http://path/filename.pdf&#8221; type=”application/pdf” width=”100%” height=”850px”></object> where you can of course adjust width and heigth as you please.

    The result is not the same in all browsers, and it also depends on the way users have configured their browsers, but this is a robust, standard solution. I try to avoid using plugins whenever possible to avoid risk of future compatibility issues :-)



    Thank you for sharing your solution :)



    Hi there, didn’t want to create a new thread since this is relevant to the PDF Embedder. I followed the steps and tried multiple plugins but the error is always the same: “Missing PDF: etc….” I’ve uploaded the PDF multiple times and for some reason, it’s as if it’s not finding it.

    Including the details below. Thanks for any help!


    Hi a00109943, these show up as pdf. Where can we see the issue?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Victoria.

    Hi Victoria, thanks for checking. I somehow deleted the entire homepage and had to start over. The accordion you see only uses pictures, not PDFs. The original format isn’t there anymore as I went with this. Thanks anyway. Cheers.


    Hi a00109943,

    Thanks for the update, please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,




    when I try your cool solution I always get the Info: “This Plugin is not supported” Do you have any idea?

    Greetings and thanks

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by beatner.

    Hi beatner,

    What plugin are you talking about?

    Best regards,


    I tried this solution
    but it didnt work

    You can easily embed a PDF without using any plugin at all, use HTML object tag instead.

    1. In Enfold, create a “Text Block” element
    2. in the editor, input the code in the “text” fane, not in “visual” mode
    3. syntax is: <object data=”http://path/filename.pdf” type=”application/pdf” width=”100%” height=”850px”></object> where you can of course adjust width and heigth as you please.

    The result is not the same in all browsers, and it also depends on the way users have configured their browsers, but this is a robust, standard solution. I try to avoid using plugins whenever possible to avoid risk of future compatibility issues :-)



    Check this article and let us know if it will help

    Best regards,


    Hi, I tried the solution mentioned by Basilis, the 3 ways.

    Check this article and let us know if it will help

    Unfortunately it causes issues with the security settings in my server and even without this security issue, there is still a big problem to solve: what if you need to provide 3, 4 or more extensive PDF documents on the same page?
    Loading times will be unacceptable.
    I am sorry for myself, but next move is plugin 8b


    Hi seofreelance,

    Thank you for sharing your solution.

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi seofreelance,

    Thank you for sharing your solution.

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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