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  • #1271983


    I use ENFOLD since some years, it´s great!

    Now I want to improve my responsive webdesign workflow:
    What´s the best way to do setup responsive type for mobile in ENFOLD using css?
    I don´t want to set every size in the respective headline or whatever …
    I want to set the responsive type sizes centralized in css.
    So should I usw the “vw” value? Or what about fluid type? (

    What do you recommend?

    THANK A LOT and stay save.


    Hey dillionline,

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Best regards,


    Hello again, some time is gone …

    I want wo archieve a flexible change of the Tyesize when resizing the BrowserWindow or using Smartphone, Tablet with different screen sizes.

    Now I see that you build in “Advanced Options: Customize Typography Settings” since 4.8.8.

    That´s great, but not working in my case, see screenshots please:



    Thank you for the update.

    Did you update enable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings? You may need to disable these options first before editing the site, or just make sure to toggle them and purge the cache afterwards.

    Best regards,


    I disbled the chaching stettings for CSS and JavaScript Files.

    In my case it don´t works for:

    It only works for:



    Thanks for contacting us!

    Could you please post a link to your page where we can see the issue? Also, have you edited H1 or H2 tagged elements in Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling? Options in Advanced Styling tab override the options in Typography tab.

    Best regards,


    I used this ENFOLD Demo Content:
    See the Demo when resizing to Phone-Portrait the H2 Headline “Hi, I am Emma Fold!” is too small.
    I want to change that with the new “Advanced Options: Customize Typography Settings”.

    Thank for supporting me :-)



    Looks like the default style for the caption is overriding the advanced styling. Please try to add this css code temporarily to adjust the title of the captions on mobile view.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
        .responsive #top .slideshow_caption h2 {
            font-size: 70px !important;

    Best regards,


    for some headings i prefer the method of fluid font-size – but i use the clamp values –

    font-size: clamp(1.5rem, 2.5vw, 4rem); 
    font-size: clamp(min, mid, max); 

    min: The minimum value is the smallest value. This is the lower bound in the range of allowed values. If the preferred value is less than this value, the minimum value will be used.
    mid: The preferred value is the expression whose value will be used as long as the result is between the minimum and maximum values.
    max: The maximum value is the largest (most positive) expression value to which the value of the property will be assigned if the preferred value is greater than this upper bound.
    and : #top .av-special-heading.fluid-font .av-special-heading-tag {font-size: clamp(25px, 7vw, 150px) !important;}



    : Thanks for the info! :)

    Best regards,

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