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  • #1478757

    Hi, ich würde gerne für auch Enfold die automatischen Aktualisierungen aktivieren.
    Das sollte doch möglich sein? Screenshot
    Konnte hier im Forum leider nichts dazu finden, freue mich über Hilfe!


    Hey WebbR,

    That is not possible at the moment unfortunately, you will get a notification in the theme or the Envato Markets plugin.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your answer!
    That’s a pity … :( Does that mean: That is not possible at the moment unfortunately yet?
    With regard to security this should be imho an option.

    Have a nice day!



    The updates are done by Themeforest/Envato, so you might want to direct your question to them directly instead.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard, to be honest, I’m wondering if this is an official statement?
    Cause if it is – this sounds quite lame to me.
    I’m writing as a customer (I bought so far at least 20 licenses) and in my opinion this looks like a lack of responsibility.
    I’m talking here to the developer of this theme, it is your product, and I’m not asking for a super special feature but for a safety-relevant function that is implemented in nearly all simple WordPress themes.

    Would be nice of you to clarify this.

    Have a good day!



    We are a vendor on the Themeforest platform, that means that we sell our product on a marketplace that they administrate. The updates are not handled by theme code, but by Themeforest/Envato servers and systems. All vendors have the same deal. If you want auto-updates, then you might want to consider themes which are available on the official WordPress theme repository.

    Best regards,


    That’s your answer? You tell me to go away and buy elsewhere?



    Sorry for the confusion. What we meant is that theme updates are handled differently compared to other themes available in the WordPress theme library. As mentioned above, updates are managed by ThemeForest/Envato, and we have minimal control over them. Unfortunately, this will not change anytime soon.

    Best regards,


    Hey, I understand that the Theme is updated via Envato. But as log as you are their client, it’s maybe smart to claim such a function?

    I can also write a Mail, do you know to who I should address?

    Have a nice day!



    I would suggest that you try reaching out to their support to check if it’s something they are planning to implement or not.

    Best regards,

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