is it possible to have a similar behavior like in ubermenu if mouse fly over to the third level menu list points.
On Enfold Main Menu you have to move exactly in a rectangle manner over the submenu to the thirdlevel list points – if you leave the rectangle path the next list point in submenu opens immediately. On ubermen there is a little time delay. so you can even go to the third level points on direkt diagnonal fly !
See in private part the problem.
i found this on avia.js :
// bind events for dropdown menu
but to add here for mouseenter and mouseleave a milisecond value (like 2000) does not end in a satisfying result.
moving the mouse diagonal to the next level list point ends in same effect only slower.
why not go for Uber Menu Plugin then? it would be quite a difficult customization to achieve this with Enfold. Not really something which we can assist within this scope of support unfortunately.
Best regards,
yes i will give it a try. But this is a bit to mighty and so complicated.
see here – but i do not found a solution now for enfold menu :
that is what i want
you are a very advanced user in this forum, if you can’t manage to achieve it easily with Enfold, then we won’t neither :). I think it would be best to simply use the plugin mentioned.
Best regards,