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  • #1164772


    I’m using a background video on a color section, plus an image I want to show before while video is loading.

    All is nice, but you see the image, then all goes to white and then there’s a fadeout of the white and then you see the video.

    How can I remove this fadeout ? I just want the video to appear instead of the image, without this white fadeout.

    As the website is not live yet, I’ll post the page in private just below so you can see it.

    Any help would be appreciated

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by nordtheme.

    Hey Stéphane,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Try to set the initial opacity of the slide containing the video element and the video container itself so that they are immediately visible on page load.

    .mejs-mediaelement, .av-video-slide {
    	opacity: 1 !important;

    Please don’t forget to toggle the Performance > File Compression settings after adding the css.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for the info. It didn’t solve the problem but helped me find that in fact I did add this white background at the very beggining of development and forgot about it :-(

    sorry for this useless post


    Hi nordtheme,

    No worries, these things happen to everyone :D
    We’ll be closing this thread then.
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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