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  • #1044066

    Hi @all,

    we have a vimeo pro account and would autoplay a video in a section background. To do that we updated the “av-helper-slidershow.php”:

    $video_url 	= esc_url(add_query_arg(
    							'portrait' 	=> 0,
    							'byline'	=> 0,
    							'title'		=> 0,
    							'badge'		=> 0,
    							'loop'		=> $atts['loop'],
    							'autopause'	=> $autopause,
    							'api'		=> 1,
    							'rel'		=> 0,
    							'player_id'	=> $uid,
    							'color'		=> $color,
    							'background' => 1, // Added
    							'muted' => 1, // Added
    							'autoplay' => 1 // Added

    All look good on Desktop and iOS but on Android the video will not autoplay. Can anybody help us?


    Hey Pixelsaft GbR,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    It’s not allowed to autoplay media files on mobile devices by default, so you have to add a fallback or a background image. Or try to create a video slider using the layer slider plugin.

    Best regards,

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