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  • #1444147

    We have been successfully using short looping background videos in color sections on our client sites for quite some time.
    Launched a site yesterday with the background video working – it was hosted at YouTube.

    We added the Seedprod YouTube Feed plug-in and once it was connected to the clients YouTube page, our moving background video started displaying as a blank, solid color. Upon initial load, the fallback image flashes briefly, but is quickly replaced with a solid black color.

    As soon as we deactivate the Seedprod plug-in, the video shows up again. We are using this for a LOT of YouTube functionality across the rest of the site though so leaving it out is not an option.

    Have submitted a ticket to Seedprod to try and troubleshoot this, but feel it may be helpful to also post here in case you have an idea of what the conflict might be.

    Created a test page where we have tried a few different ways to embed to see if any troubleshooting results in a fix. The only thing that HAS worked, was uploading the same video to our Vimeo account (not a long-term solution though).

    Thank you in advance for any help!


    Hey Ryan,

    I’m not sure if this is the cause of your problems, but the shortlinks do not work in the Color Section element. From the option description:

    Background Video
    You can also place a video as background for your section. Enter the URL to the Video. Currently supported are Youtube, Vimeo and direct linking of web-video files (mp4, webm, ogv)

    Working examples Youtube & Vimeo:

    Please try using the full URL instead to see if that helps.

    Best regards,


    Very Frustrated. We tried the longer You Tube links but those do not change anything.

    Now the Vimeo embed (a hack to get around the bigger YouTube issue) has stopped loading consistently on the front page so this is adversely affecting the website for the client (since it is now a LIVE site). The Seedprod people tried to troubleshoot and they are blaming it on the Enfold Theme. Saying that the different types of YouTube embeds require different scripts and that the page is getting confused on what scripts to load. We do NOT like using Vimeo for background embeds on Enfold as they are too inconsistent. How can we get this resolved. We HAVE to be able to use the Seedprod plug-in to control all the YouTube feeds. Would prefer to also be able to have a consistent method to stream the background video – that does not involve uploading it to the hosting server.

    We have another site under development now for a musician that will have this EXACT same issue so we need to figure out how to get it resolved. Really hoping you might have some sort of code we can add to just the pages using the background videos, or some other fix we can implement to use ALL YouTube as the embeds AND still allow other plugins like Seedprod to do their thing.

    Help! Thank you in advance.


    When I check your page I see errors for your videos
    Refused to load the script ‘’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “script-src-elem ‘self’ ‘unsafe-inline'”.
    Refused to frame ‘’ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: “frame-src ‘self’ blob:”.

    I have not see this kind of error before but it seems that your plugin is causing a violation since you posted above the when it is disabled the videos work fine.

    Best regards,


    Where are these policies set? We use an SSL Plug-in, but this does not seem to have any affect either way. I have troubleshot this multiple times and basically when the smashballloon plug in is turned on, Enfold cannot seem to embed a YouTube. Vimeo only works sometimes for background embeds, so that is frustrating. Would really like to figure out a workaround as the Smashbaloon adds necessary functionality for this video-heavy church client.

    Here is Smashballoons reply which seems unhelpful:
    Thanks for your patience as we troubleshoot the conflict between YouTube Feed Pro and the Enfold theme. Due to the way JavaScript for YouTube videos is injected into the page, embeds from different plugins end up competing, which can cause breaks. The two main options in this case are to switch to using just one of the plugins or a workaround like using Vimeo or a CDN, as you had tried.

    Any other ideas to try that have to do with the way enfold loads the YouTube script?

    Thanks in advance!


    I expect these are set by your server, theme has no influence over this.

    Best regards,

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