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  • #1248239


    I have uploaded an image in the Vertical Menu. The image is set to cover. I have set Sticky if sidebar is smaller then screen height, scroll otherwise.
    When the menu scrolls after the last button the image is covered by a white space. I would like to have the background color set to transparent so that the image can always be visible.

    Best Regards

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by charan5a.

    Hey charan5a,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    in the private area are the credentials for you
    Best regards,



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The white background is not covering the background image. It is cut off because the height of the header is set to be the same as the browser view port so the header is not as tall as the main content container. This layout might only work if the sidebar menu or header is set to fixed. However, setting it to fixed might also cut off some content at the bottom of the sidebar menu.

    One solution is to create a script that calculates the height of the main content container and apply this height to the sidebar menu or side header. Unfortunately, this is beyond the scope of support. You may need to contact a freelance developer or contact our partner Codeable.

    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael

    Is it possible to stop the Left Sidebar Menu scrolling when it reaches the bottom?

    I tried the solution of an older topic:
    set it to “Always Sticky” and make the sidebar scrollable with this css code:
    #header .avia-custom-sidebar-widget-area {
    overflow-y: scroll;
    But it didn’t work

    I tried also to add the overflow to #avia-menu or .av-logo-container without success

    Best Regards

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by charan5a.


    Thank you for the update.

    Is it possible to stop the Left Sidebar Menu scrolling when it reaches the bottom?

    This should be possible but again it will require modifications that are beyond the scope of support. The easier solution is to set the Sticky Sidebar menu to the first or second option, but you may need to decrease the content (menu, header widgets etc) inside the header because it should not be taller than the browser view port. Or just remove the header background image and apply a plain background.

    Best regards,

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