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  • #396475

    How can i change the background for the social toolbar in a normal page? The background is plain white now. (i would like to use the same background like the rest of the page)
    I use the following code to add the social toolbar:

    add_filter(‘avf_template_builder_content’, ‘avia_add_social_toolbar_template_builder’, 10, 1);
    function avia_add_social_toolbar_template_builder($content = “”)
    if(is_page(2269) || is_page(1277)|| is_page(876)|| is_page(761)|| is_page(1070)|| is_page(785)|| is_page(821)|| is_page(891)|| is_page(1097)|| is_page(1248)|| is_page(1040)) {
    $content .= avia_social_share_links(array(), false);
    $content .= ‘<div style=”height:1px; margin-top:40px;” class=”hr”></div>’;

    return $content;


    Hey Dutchman!

    Try to use the following in QuickCSS or custom.css:

    #main {
        background: url("//") repeat scroll center top #ffffff !important;

    Best regards,


    Hey Günter, it works!!! Now i have the social toolbar on every page i like with the background i choose.
    Thank you!

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