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  • #669159

    I am having a very hard time trying to make background images to show properly in iphones 6 and ipad air. They simply cut to upper part of the image and does not seem to be properly responsive. Is there something you can advise me on how to improve this. I am sending you few links for you to test in your iphone 6 and ipads or even on your simulator for those devices.

    Please help


    Hey DiscoverLink,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    If the background repeat option of the color section is set to “Stretch to Fit”, it will force the image to cover the whole container but the edges or parts of the images will have to overflow outside the container in order to keep the images’ aspect ratio. We can force the image to adapt to the size of the section but it will get distorted. One workaround is to apply a different background image specifically resize for mobile devices.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #content_single_2 .av-parallax-inner {
          background-image: url(IMAGE URL HERE);

    Best regards,



    Where would you insert this code? I’m having great difficulty as well with images not resizing on mobile phones. I have read a ton of the forum topics here but can’t seem to get it to work. Is it possible to put the correct steps in one place than can be easily referenced?

    Thank you,



    Hi Ted,

    The code Ismael posted goes in to Quick CSS under Enfold–>General Styling. About your image problems we would need to see a page with the actual problem, could you post a link to your site please?


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