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  • #1414380

    One question regarding background images. Why are they somewhat blurred und darkened? The original image I chose is way brighter and sharper.


    Impatience never pays off – I solved the problem (I think). Next time I’ll wait a bit longer and give myself the change to solve the problem by myself.



    Great, I’m glad that you found a solution to your problem. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Could you say how you solved it please? Any background image I add is blurred and I can’t seem to fix it.



    : To better understand the issue, we may need to inspect the site. Kindly create a new thread and share the site details in the private field. Screenshots would also be of help.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael, I’ll do that


    In my case the resolution of the foto was not sufficient. In that case, I suppose, in oder to fit the foto it needs to be “streched” and that would worsen the resolution even more. I loaded a photo with a very high resolution.


    thanks georgbiel. I’ve tried to increase the resolution but it hasn’t made any difference, though I’m not sure if I’ve done it right (very much an amateur here). I increased the dpi in photoshop?


    Hi clairen13,

    I’ve replied to your other thread, please continue there.

    Best regards,


    Hello. I have just installed Enfold theme. And I have the same problem with blurry images. Even if I put original image, that was on the site from very start for specific background, it gets blurred. Can you please help me with the solution?


    Hi mihasmon,

    Please check the resolution of the images when you are selecting them from the media gallery.

    Best regards,



    I did. And the funny thing is that when I installed demo website, all background pictures were fine.Then, I put one of my pictures for background and it got blurred. And then I just put the original picture back, that it was from the Demo theme, and it also got blurred. So I really don’t know what is the problem here.

    I would really appreciate your help with that problem.



    Okay I think I got it know. Sorry and thank you at the same time.

    Thank you for your help.




    Great! Let us know if you have more questions.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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