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  • #1443678

    I want to have a background image on my pages. I’ve set it in the General Settings > Main Content. But when I put Content Sections in between, the background starts again under the section. I want it to continu, in stead of starting over. The image is 6000px large, so that can’t be the problem? I tried different setting like scroll, locked, repeat, non repeat. Don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.

    Thanks in advance!



    Another question: is it possible to put on each page a different image behind the logo? So in the header itself?

    Many thanks!!



    Thanks for the login details. On which page can we see the results you are getting?

    Please try to stick to one question per thread.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for replying. You can see the example on the “Individueel” page.

    Kind regards,



    Thanks for that. If you check your site now, are those the results you are looking for?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Not yet, what I hope for is that the background image scrolls literally down. The image is now starting over again after each content section. It is hard to explain, but I want the image to continu (it’s a large visual). Do you know what I mean?

    Thanks for your help so far.

    Kind regards,



    I think I know what you mean, but it would be very difficult to implement that in a responsive way unfortunately.

    Best regards,

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