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  • #1308184

    After updating to WP 5.7.2 a background image for a color section now conceals text and video code block within the section. I have tried recreating the color section and get same result.

    I also have a colored bar above the menu/logo header section that wasn’t there before.

    After updating to Enfold 4.8.3 the problem persisted.

    A link to the staging site is attached. This illustrates the issue. I’ve also attached link to production for reference

    I’m running PHP 7.3.28, if that matters.

    Thanks for attention to this issue.


    Hey cbesondy1,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,

    #1308679 (hosted on WPengine) However, I need an email address to create a new user.



    Thank you for the update.

    Looks like a css or animation issue. Try to add this css code to set the opacity of the color section container.

    .js_active .av-minimum-height .container {
       opacity: 1;

    Please toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings after adding the css code.

    Best regards,


    Thank you. I’ll give it a try on Tuesday here.



    Thanks for the update. We’ll keep this thread open for you.

    Best regards,


    The script worked to reveal the hidden vid and headline. Thanks! Now, what about the color band above the menu/logo header? That mysteriously appeared with original issue? You can see it here (hosted on WPengine)



    Thanks for the update. The bar on the top of your site seems to be there because it’s displaying an error message:

    Warning: Parameter 2 to WPE\Site_Preview::the_posts() expected to be a reference, value given in /nas/content/staging/expressed1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 292

    I don’t think that is caused by the theme though. Do you have any custom code which could be causing that? You can try to activate the parent theme, and disable plugins to see if it disappears. If you need further help, then please post admin WordPress login details in private. You can use the email in private, or a personal one. Just remember to post the login details here in the thread, so that all moderators have access to it.

    Best regards,


    Whatever the issue was with the bar above menu/logo header, it has disappeared after pushing staging to production. All is quiet on western front. Thank you very much for the assistance. Close ticket.



    Great, I’m glad to hear that the problem went away, and thanks for the update. I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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