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  • #641552


    I was just working with the Tabs Element and styled background same as color section background.
    With this (probably to complicated) Quick-CSS Code I gave same Backgound-Color to Tabs Element as to Background section:
    /*Tabs Background as Color-section*/
    .main_color div .sidebar_active_tab, div .main_color .tabcontainer.noborder_tabs .active_tab_content, div .main_color .tabcontainer.noborder_tabs .active_tab, #portfolio > div > div.container > div > div > div > div.tabcontainer.sidebar_tab.sidebar_tab_left.noborder_tabs.avia-builder-el-23.el_after_av_hr.el_before_av_hr{
    background-color: #a8a8a8;

    But now:
    – the colors are different, how can this be? It is the same code, I just copy&pasted it. Is there some kind of shadow or sth. like that on the Tabs Element

    And I am wondering whether
    – Does my Quick-CSS Code really have to be that complicated?
    – is there a way to set the Tabs background-color to “same-as-color-section-background” so that I do not have to change the code everytime I change color sections background?

    Thank you a lot!


    Hey C2S16,

    The CSS you posted seems to target a single builder element only, could you point out the exact element you want to change on your site please?

    Best regards,



    Front-end: the area with our vision, what we believe in, why we are here.
    Backend: Pages –> Landing Page –> color section with tabs in (id = portfolio)

    Thank you,



    Please replace the css code:

    div #portfolio.main_color #portfolio .tabcontainer .active_tab_content, div #portfolio.main_color .tabcontainer .active_tab {
        background-color: #a8a8a8;
    div #portfolio.main_color .tabcontainer .active_tab_content, div #portfolio.main_color .tabcontainer .active_tab {
        background-color: #a8a8a8;
        color: #0d2555;

    If you want to change the hover effect, use this:

    #top #portfolio.main_color .tabcontainer .tab:hover, #top #portfolio.main_color .tabcontainer .tab.active_tab {
        color: #0d2555;
        background-color: #a8a8a8;

    Best regards,

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