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  • #169251

    Hi all,

    putting together a new website, i’m starting to have fun with Enfold.

    I’m asking here, after a couple of unsuccessful searches, what could be the best ways to optimize the backend.

    I’m using WP on the same server with other themes (Atahualpa for instance, already pretty heavy), and i can notice quite a large difference, the backend of the one with Enfold is at least twice longer to load when i’m switching between sections of the admin interface.

    using W3TC looks like to be pretty efficient on the frontend, but as I still have a lot of work on the build of the website, I would like to optimize the backend in order to have a better experience.

    thanks for the quality of your work, nice updates and hopefully quick answer.

    temporary url :
    old address still in production :


    Hey soifran!

    The only way to really optimize the backend would be to increase your server specs as far as I know. Most budget servers should still perform fine and on client sites I’ve worked on I’ve not noticed anything to substantial as far as delays between pages or anything like that.

    On pages with lots of advanced layout editor content there will be some loading delays typically but that’s because of the preview functionality of those elements.

    Best regards,


    hey Devin :)

    Thanks for the answer, despite i’m afraid it wouldn’t help me quickly.
    I’m handling pretty light pages now, so the “lots of advanced layout editor” scenario might not be the source of my concern.

    looking if i would go for a server upgrade, but not sure we would really need nor be able to afford it.

    Thanx again.


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