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  • #459300

    I don’t know if I am missing it or what? Is there a way to include a “back to top? button on the bottom of the site pages?


    Hi elames!

    Does not it show up on your end? Can you please post the link to your website?



    It shows up on my computer but it does not show up on my iphone.



    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
    .responsive #scroll-top-link {
      display: block;

    Best regards,



    I as typing while Yigit posted, just want to let you know, that the box, if you add the button, it will be on top of your content, that is why we have disabled it.

    UX of users, will be a little bad, if it is visible.

    Best regards,


    Yigit’s code worked. Thanks

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