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  • #1212416


    I want to setup a bbpress forum for a site running on enfold. However, I am experiencing problems with the site during the process of setting up the forum.

    The site is not loading all elements on front end. (see screenshot). I get the message “Dieses Element wurde in den Theme Einstellungen deaktiviert. D kannst es hier aktieveren Leistungseinstellungen”.

    I don’t know at what step the error is occurring, but probably when I configure the site where the forum index is supposed to display. When I go to Enfold>performance I don’t see what settings should be changed. The error happens without me actively changing any settings in the admin area. I had to revert to a site backup to have the site displayed properly again.

    1) Why is this happening? How to fix the issue?
    2) Is this a problem with the bbpress plugin? Is there any guide on how to setup bbpress with enfold?

    Thank you for the support and best regards, Peter


    Hey P3T3R_0ne,

    Please try the setting to display all elements in the Theme options > Performance settings.
    Image 2020-05-13 at 22.25.50.png

    Best regards,


    Thank you. Next time this error occurs I will look at that setting. Though selecting”Load only used elements” should be sufficient, or not?

    However, questions remains open why the setting has been changed. It must have happened automatically while building a page with avia or something. I certainly didn’t actively change any setting.


    Hi P3T3R_0ne,

    No settings in the Theme options are set automatically, only after demo import,even then you have to save the theme options for the settings to have an effect. I’m really wondering too, how that happened. Yes, if all the elements are loaded you should not see the elements not loaded by the Advanced Layout Builder.

    Best regards,



    unfortunately, the error occurred again. This time, out of nowhere with me not even logging in as admin to change the site somehow. No demo import or any manual changes. Also, the enfold child > performance template builder settings was set to “only load used elements”. When changing to “load all elements” then everything is displayed correctly again.

    However “only load used elements” should be enough?

    I have cloned the site and post the link with login in private content. Please investigate.

    Best regards,Peter



    Thank you for the update.

    The login credentials above doesn’t work — it seems to be invalid. Please it carefully or provide another user account. Also, please try to update the theme to the latest version, v4.7.5.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    please find in private content the updated login details.



    Thank you for info.

    Where can we see the issue again? We checked the test page containing the forum index and it seems to be working properly. (see private field)

    Best regards,



    I have a created a staging site which contains the error unfixed. Find the link and login details in private content below.

    However, I don’t know if you can infer what went wrong from this. I am very certain that there were no manual changes in enfold>child>performance. The error occurred while trying to setup a page for displaying a bbpress forum.



    Thank you for the update.

    We enabled the debug mode and set the shortcode parser to repair the shortcode or elements automatically. The elements in the page are displaying properly now. (see private field)

    Best regards,



    thank you for investigating. So in case that issue comes up again I will try to do the same to fix it. For now, I have no further question on this matter. Thank you.



    Alright. Thank you for your patience. We’ll close the thread now.

    Best regards,

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