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  • #195611

    I love how easy it is to add a video using the visual editor… however I can’t figure out how to set options, such as autoplay or to disable “Show suggested videos when the video finishes”

    Is there a way to make a video autoplay?

    When I do a standard embed in a text area, the video is not responsive to the column space the way it is with the Avia tool.

    Alternatively, Is there a way to embed videos using text and make them responsive the way they are in the visual layout tool?


    Hey openpotion!

    You can use a Text Block then switch to the Text editor. Add the youtube embed code under Share panel.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/w9OhG7Wx1CY?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    The “?rel=0” at the end of the URL will disable the suggested videos. You can also add “&autoplay=1” to enable auto play.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/w9OhG7Wx1CY?rel=0&autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Best regards,


    I think yo umissed the 2nd part of my message… I am aware I can use a text editor:

    When I do a standard embed in a text area, the video is not responsive to the column space the way it is with the Avia tool.

    Alternatively, Is there a way to embed videos using text and make them responsive the way they are in the visual layout tool?



    Sorry. You can enclose the iframe on this div:

    <div class="avia-video avia-video-16-9  " itemprop="video" itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject">
    <div class="avia-iframe-wrap">
    <iframe width="1500" height="844" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/G0k3kHtyoqc?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

    Remove the iframe code and replace it with yours. Set the the same width and height on the example above. It should be responsive after.



    FEATURE REQUEST: Thanks, consider adding a checkboxes for autoplay & hide related videos on Youtube via Avia builder



    Feel free to post your feature requests here https://kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-feature-requests/



    This feature request section is a mess.. :-( can’t find anything there

    and I think there should be a clear distinction between BIG and small feature request.. something like “Hide related videos” is small.. it’s 15 minutes programming tops and it’s a big win.. and there’s a ton of little details that can be improved if you guys let the crowd in on it a bit more.. the feature request thing for me sounds like a “Go here.. don’t bother us” and in the mean time these details seem to get lost in the mail…



    Kriesi frequently checks Feature Request section and we believe it is a great way to see which feature gets popular demand. Kriesi posted this blog post when feature was first introduced – http://kriesi.at/archives/enfold-feature-requests
    The case is definitely not “Go here.. don’t bother us”. Requests will not get lost there but there is a great chance that they will here on the forum :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit, I wanted to autoplay a Vimeo video, so tried adding the embed code in a text element as recommended above. But this results in a great deal of empty padding above the video, and I cannot find what is causing this? When adding the video using your video element this does not happen, but then I cannot auto play the video.


    Thanks, Richard



    I checked the site but it’s all black and I can’t find the padding. Can you please provide a screenshot of the issue?



    You might not notice the padding, because the page and video are black, but it pushes the video far too far down the page. I’ve highlighted in this screenshot the ’empty’ area that is being displaced above the video:




    try with this code to control it:

    #player, .fallback, body, html, iframe {
    margin-top: -60px;

    and adjust as needed.



    ok i opend a feature request:
    please look for the request and vote for it.
    add option to youtube video to auto play and show no suggestions ?rel=0&autoplay=1


    i ad a feature request please vote for it



    Alright. You can check for the votes of that particular feature in the “Popular” or “In Progress” tab of the feature request page. I hope it will be added on the next update.



    hi in addition, do not auto play when userrole xy is logged in.
    I update the page regularly an on every opening the video is playing.
    Please stopp playing the video for choosen userroles please.

    Responsive video is also important.
    and rel=0 no video recomondations


    in addition add also play only once.
    hide player, hide start/stop button on hover
    play a list of youtube videos, each entered with the Youtube watch URL



    not sure if I understand and please open a new ticket for new questions.

    Autoplay video is set to off by default for mobile, as it would need too much traffic (which costs lots of money in different countries).



    Hi Andy,

    I see that this request has been made over 2 years ago and hasn’t been accepted yet.

    You do allow for video to play full screen as a Background Video, which means that the comment about it not auto-playing on Mobile is not an issue.

    It’ll be great to be able to auto-play a video and control its settings, and as you can see – many people are requesting this feature.

    When do you think you’ll release it?



    We do not have plans on that for now. https://kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/
    Fell free to add it there, and we will let you know if it moves forward as a feature!

    Thanks a lot for using our products!

    Best regards,


    The problem with the feature request thing is that it doesn’t seem to get noticed.. I’ve been ensured it does.. but there’s hardly any requests that get accepted..
    And then there’s relatively small usability requests like this and there huge ones with whole new functionalities.. and there’s also retarded ones and ones that are well thought through.. and there’s no discrimination whatsoever.. It’s one big chaotic heap of unordered messages with a voting system that doesn’t seem to promote well made choices..
    On top of that some votes should count more then others.. because myself and the guys I work with have bought over 50 enfold licenses over the past year.. that should put some weight in the balance.. and there are a lot more companies like ours that solely use Enfold..

    This theme has enough users to get a good community going but you guys are not utilising that opportunity very well

    This one request with video settings is 1 hour work tops for a good programmer and it really adds to the usability of the theme..

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by joax.

    Yes, there are a lot of requests that our customers have. We prioritize the most popular ones of course. Keep voting and we may see something get added in a future update.

    Thanks for your patience,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Elliott.

    the problem here is that it is such a minor detail that nobody is wasting their 5 monthly voting points on it..

    In the time that you guys took replying and pointing to that half working voting system you’d already coded this thing.. which is kind of annoying..

    you’d expect these bureaucratic responses from big company wage slaves.. not from you guys..

    (And i’m not trying to be an ass.. just letting u know what I think ;) )



    Your trying to disable the related videos from youtube correct? We basically use the WordPress video shortcode, https://codex.wordpress.org/Video_Shortcode, which isn’t capable of that yet. I remember trying to add the options in the URL a long time ago but it was using oEmbed and didn’t work.

    We could create our own video shortcode for youtube instead of using the WordPress default but it would take a lot more work than you think.

    If it was me I would just use the embed code that youtube gives you on it’s site as Ismael suggested, https://kriesi.at/support/topic/avia-youtube-video-autoplay/#post-195675, or you might be able to find a plugin to use that does this.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Elliott.

    May include a enfold solution to fix and help with all video needs.
    youtube video with autostart plays then reloads again.
    see privat area



    , I checked your link but it’s playing fine. It’s not reloading. Did you get it sorted?


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