Hi, couldn’t find it, but I know it exists:
How can I show a thin line bottom when hovering the Main Menu? The SPAN class <span class=”avia-menu-fx”> does not appear. Where can I activate this effect? Any hints? I tried in General Styling –> Logo Area –> Wechselnde Hintergrundfarbe
Alternativer Hintergrund für Menü Hover, Tabellen, etc.
Nothing happened…
Hey Stephan,
Could you post a link to where we can see the results you are getting please?
Best regards,
I need a MAIN Hover Menu with Underline like this: https://www.sana-novus.ch/
How can I add this in ENFOLD?
Yes, this is it! Shouldn’t that be found under MAIN MENU? Imo ;-)