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  • #783594


    when I edit an existing text block which has an url inside (<a href="">url</a>) and change some text and save the text block, the href in the a-Tag disappears (<a>url</a>).

    I used an older version an upgraded everything to the newest version (theme, plugins, wordpress) but I have still this problem.

    In the console of the browser i can see the following before I edit the text block:
    Object {aviaTBcontent: "This is an test with an <a href="">URL</a>↵", aviaTBsize: "", aviaTBfont_color: "", aviaTBcolor: "", aviaTBadmin_preview_bg: ""}

    After saving again the http is missing in the <a/>
    Object {aviaTBcontent: "This is an test with an <a>URL</a>", aviaTBsize: "", aviaTBfont_color: "", aviaTBcolor: "", aviaTBadmin_preview_bg: ""}

    This problem occurs only in the avia visual editor. Changing from the avia visual editor to the avia text editor causes the same problem. When I correct it in the avia text editor and save the http is saved correct to the database.

    Does anyone knows how to fix this problem?

    Best regards

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Rikard.

    Hey couda,

    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply. Also please point out where we can see the problem.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    Under “Seiten” I have created an Test page where you can see the problem. Once you click on the text box the url will disappear. The same behavior you will get, when you fix it in die visual editor and change to the text editor.

    Thank you in advance for your support.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    After checking again the problem I checked also the active plugins and than I found the plugin “Advanced TinyMCE Configuration”. In the configuration I found an strange default entry which caused the problem.

    extended_valid_elements = div[itemtype|itemscope|itemprop],span[itemtype|itemscope|itemprop],a[itemprop]

    After removing this configuration the problem is now fixed.

    Best regards,



    Great, glad you found the problem and thanks for sharing. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    you can close the ticket.
    Have a nice start of the week.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for letting us know, you too :-)

    Best regards,

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