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  • #23333

    What is the point of this particular element. Is it just to add more widgets to the sidebar or is it supposed to add widgets to the page area. I assumed the latter simply because the contact page template (from the demo) has a sidebar element where in the demo the google map is.

    As such, I created a sidebar called map, popped in the google maps widget and in the avia layout builder on my contact page selected map for the sidebar element. The map, however, appears on the sidebar not on the page.

    Please help me clear up my confusion.


    The sidebar element “replaces” the standard sidebar if you want to use a fullwidth template. Eg you could create a template with a 2/3 – 1/3 structure and add galleries, blog element, portfolio grids, etc. into the 2/3 column element and a sidebar element into the 1/3 column element. However you could also use another structure (3/4 – 1/4 or even 4/5 – 1/5) which would not be possible with the default sidebar.


    That makes sense, except for one line. How do I make a 4/5 – 1/5 layout using the Avia Layout Builder? There is a 1/5 block element available but that’s it. When I increase the width of the 1/5 element using the little arrows it goes to 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, and finally 1 but I don’t get options like 2/5, 3/5, or 4/5.



    Yes. I’m not sure why Kriesi didn’t include x/5 elements – especially because 1/5 doesn’t make much sense in combination with eg 1/2 or 2/3, etc. I’ll tag this thread for him.

    Best regards,








    You can manipulate the column sizes via CSS. :)




    Hey! I’ve never considered a 4/5 – 1/5 layout a smart choice, since on smaller screens the 1/5 column will be to narrow to hold sidebar content. therefore I just added the 1/5 element just so that users can use 5 small columns beside each other, since that is sometimes needed :)

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