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  • #277433


    The visual layout of the avia layout builder shows white html against a white background and no buttons.
    I did the following without succes:
    – deactivate all plugins
    – clean cache
    – theme is automatically updated so I am using the latest

    Any other suggestions? Thanks!


    I’ve exactly the same problem. I also use the latest version of wordpress and enfold. Is there a known problem?



    The most recent version of the theme is actually 2.8.1. You are on 2.5.2. So you’ll need to update to get things up to compatibility with the most recent version of WordPress.

    For a quick guide on updating your theme take a look at this video on updating the Enfold theme via FTP: https://vimeo.com/channels/aviathemes/67209750

    For updating within WordPress see: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/



    Hi Devin,

    So how come it says this in Enfold Child Theme Theme Options:
    Theme Updates – No Updates available. You are running the latest version! Great!

    So updating within WordPress cannot be trusted?



    If you don’t have the settings in the themes update options set correctly it won’t recognize when updates are available. So double check that your api and username are correct as pulled from your account on ThemeForest.


    I just did and entered them again just to make sure, nothing happened after though… Doing a FTP update as we speak. Just to make sure, I am only updating the original theme and not the child theme, right?


    Yes, just the parent theme. Don’t forget to update WP too (3.9.1).


    Forgot to let you know everything worked out :)



    You are welcome, always glad to help :)


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