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  • #1340429

    This never happened before, but the title of the post (not the images) are suddenly showing above the gallery. So basically, the same title every time the gallery is used. How can I stop showing it? Thank you.


    Hey mfuji,

    Sorry for the problem. Please refer to this thread for a solution: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/gallery-and-page-title-bug/

    Best regards,


    OK thanks. I am not savvy enough to understand…

    please update the enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\gallery\gallery.php file using the code below.
    // https://pastebin.com/uDHPrFhJ

    Can you let me know how I update the .php file “using the code below?”



    You can locate the file in question under Appearance->Theme file editor. If you need help with that, then please include admin WordPress login details in private, and verify that you have backups of your site.

    Best regards,


    I thought I sent credential, but it doesn’t look like it went through… let me send it again. Please do it for me!



    Thank you for the info.

    We updated the enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\gallery\gallery.php file as instructed in the previous thread. The title of the page should not display above the gallery anymore.

    Best regards,


    Hi. I have the same problem. The title of the page is shown above the gallery. How can I fix this? Thanks for your help. Best regards, Andreas


    Hi kreativeseite,

    Did you check the solution which is linked in this thread? https://kriesi.at/support/topic/gallery-and-page-title-bug/. If you need help implementing it, then please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard. Would you be so kind to help me with this issue?! Thank you very much. Best regards, Andreas



    : We updated the gallery.php file. Please make sure to purge the cache before testing the page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael. Thanks a lot. Best regards, Andreas



    No problem. Please let us know if you need anything else. We will close this thread for now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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