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  • #568636

    Since update (almost a month) Avia Builder doesn’t load if I active Yoast Seo.
    I’m not able to edit any page.
    I need yoast for my seo and meta description etc…
    Can you please check what’s going on.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by techrisingkg.

    Hey techrisingkg!

    try to deactivate all other plugins but Yoast, to check if one is causing this issue. Clear cache (from caching plugin as well) and hard refresh a few times.



    Hey Andy,
    Just did it.
    The problem is with yoast. I deactivate all the plugins except yoast/clear cache/and tried from another computer.


    Can a dev check on my website please?



    Could you please try to overwrite the theme files with a fresh copy from your Themeforest account via FTP to see if that helps?



    just did it. Still doesn’t work.
    Can you please check on my website?



    I just checked on a clear installation and the latest version of Enfold works with latest Yoast Version.
    There must be an issue on your installation. Please try to update everything ( even manually if needed ).

    Let us know if we can provide further help



    Same issue for me : Yoast 3.4.2 doesn’t work on my WordPress 4.5.3
    My Enfold version is 2.9.1.
    Anyone to help please ?


    Hi Ben,

    Sorry for the late reply, you are running a very old version of the theme. Could you try updating to the latest version (3.7.1) to see if that help please? Make sure to backup your site so that you can roll back if anything should go wrong.




    gleiches Problem habe ich auch:

    Enfold: Version: 3.7.1
    Wp: 4.6
    Yoast SEO Premium 3.4.2

    Avia Layout Builder wird nicht geladen…



    please update to WordPress 4.6 and Enfold 3.7.1.


    Would you mind providing us admin access please? try to deactivate all plugins but Yoast SEO, to check if one is causing this issue and let us know about your results.

    Best regards,


    Guys – none of this works! Manual update to latest Enfold, Activating Yoast causes Advanced Layout to fail. We really need a fix please!


    BTW – This phenomenon also occurs with the plugin “SEO Ultimate Version | By SEO Design Solutions”
    Maybe that’ll shed some light?


    Would you mind providing us admin access please? post it here as private reply. Are we allowed to deactivate your plugins?

    Best regards,


    I’m having the same issue! I’ve done all the updates and troubleshooting. Everything works fine in the page builder if Yoast SEO is deactivated. If Yoast SEO is activated, then the Avia Page Builder does not load. :( Hoping for a solution to this problem soon.


    Hi @Riavon Enterprises,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look. You can try the suggestions listed here as well:



    Sorry for delayed response:
    mine is a live site with clients updating all the time, so I can’t activate Yoast to exhibit the behavior, nor can I allow any other access…
    Hoping a general solution emerges!



    We can’t reproduce the issue on our end, so it must be something especially on your end. We need admin access, to check what’s going on, otherwise we can’t help.

    Best regards,


    I have the same issue, please feel free to log in to my site Andy

    Lyndon Darkes


    Ftp access is available if you need it.


    same issue.. newest wp and enfold


    We can’t reproduce the issue. Yoast SEO plugin and ALB are working fine for us. Could you please try to completely remove (and deinstall) the plugin and afterwards reinstall it? If that does not work then there might be some corrupted theme files, so please delete all theme files completely via FTP, before installing a fresh copy from your themeforest account. Here is a short tutorial on how to install the theme via FTP, in case you are not sure how that works:

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy

    Did you log in to my website with the details i supplied and activate Yoast?



    Hallo Andy,

    ich vermute das alle gleiche Problem haben bzgl. Ihrer PHP Einstellungen auf dem Server. Auf unseren Managed Hosting laufen Enfold und Yoast. Auf anderen wie 1&1, Strato Kunden Servern überhaupt nicht. Ich habe jetzt laufen als Premium. Völlig okay und ausreichend…


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by tjg.

    Yes I did, and as I already said to you we can’t reproduce the issue you have on our end. But to be able to help/fix anything we need to be able to reproduce the same issue you have on our end.
    So I think it’s as @tjg is saying that your server has some PHP settings which are blocking it somehow. Could you ask your host about it please?

    Best regards,


    Thanks Andy, just checking i wasn’t seeing a problem that you couldn’t on my install. I am switching from PHP 5.2 to 5.5 so that might help. i will let you know how i get on.




    I have the same issue with my Admin Account.. It happend when i made a new user that i gave not the full admin possiblities.. After that my admin account didnt load the avia builder tool and now i add an extra admin account and now its working again with that account but not with the orginal?.. Do you know what the problem is. Its a fresh install of enfold and WordPress.. and no plugins are installed


    We recommend to use PHP 7.0


    Please open your own ticket about this issue, otherwise it gets very confusing here.

    Best regards,


    Unsere Einstellungen die ohne Problem laufen:

    PHP 5.6.12
    PHP Edition: Standard

    max_input_vars = “5000”
    engine = “1”
    short_open_tag = “1”
    date.timezone = “Europe/Berlin”
    asp_tags = “1”
    precision = “14”
    y2k_compliance = “”
    output_buffering = “Off”
    output_handler = “”
    unserialize_callback_func = “”
    zlib.output_compression = “”
    implicit_flush = “”
    allow_call_time_pass_reference = “1”
    safe_mode = “”
    safe_mode_gid = “”
    safe_mode_include_dir = “”
    safe_mode_exec_dir = “”
    safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = “PHP_”
    safe_mode_protected_env_vars = “LD_LIBRARY_PATH”
    disable_functions = “”
    highlight.string = “#CC0000”
    highlight.comment = “#FF9900”
    highlight.keyword = “#006600” = “#FFFFFF”
    highlight.default = “#0000CC”
    highlight.html = “#000000”
    expose_php = “1”
    zend_optimizer.optimization_level = “15”
    zend_optimizer.enable_loader = “1”
    zend_extension = “/usr/local/php5/”
    max_execution_time = “600”
    memory_limit = “512M”
    error_reporting = “32759”
    display_errors = “1”
    display_startup_errors = “”
    log_errors = “”
    track_errors = “”
    variables_order = “EGPCS”
    register_globals = “”
    register_argc_argv = “1”
    post_max_size = “8M”
    gpc_order = “GPC”
    magic_quotes_gpc = “1”
    magic_quotes_runtime = “”
    magic_quotes_sybase = “”
    auto_prepend_file = “”
    auto_append_file = “”
    default_mimetype = “text/html”
    include_path = “.:/usr/local/lib/php”
    doc_root = “”
    user_dir = “”
    extension_dir = “./”
    enable_dl = “1”
    file_uploads = “1”
    upload_max_filesize = “8M”
    allow_url_fopen = “1”
    allow_url_include = “0”

    [mail function]
    SMTP = “localhost”
    sendmail_from = ” (Email address hidden if logged out)

    sql.safe_mode = “”

    odbc.allow_persistent = “1”
    odbc.check_persistent = “1”
    odbc.max_persistent = “-1”
    odbc.max_links = “-1”
    odbc.defaultlrl = “4096”
    odbc.defaultbinmode = “1”

    mysql.allow_persistent = “”
    mysql.max_persistent = “-1”
    mysql.max_links = “-1”
    mysql.default_port = “”
    mysql.default_socket = “”
    mysql.default_host = “”
    mysql.default_user = “”
    mysql.default_password = “”

    pgsql.allow_persistent = “1”
    pgsql.auto_reset_persistent = “”
    pgsql.max_persistent = “-1”
    pgsql.max_links = “-1”

    bcmath.scale = “0”

    session.save_handler = “files”
    session.save_path = “/tmp”
    session.use_cookies = “1” = “PHPSESSID”
    session.auto_start = “”
    session.cookie_lifetime = “0”
    session.cookie_path = “/”
    session.cookie_domain = “”
    session.serialize_handler = “php”
    session.gc_probability = “1”
    session.gc_maxlifetime = “1440”
    session.referer_check = “”
    session.entropy_length = “0”
    session.entropy_file = “”
    session.cache_limiter = “nocache”
    session.cache_expire = “180”
    session.use_trans_sid = “1”
    url_rewriter.tags = “a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry”

    Nicht jeder Hoster lässt die Einstellungen zu…


    We have the same issue and Avia Layout Builder isn’t working with Yoast SEO as the wheel just keeps spinning when we try to use to Avia Layout Builder. I provided login details in the private content area. We also have debug bar plugin activated and same issue occurs regardless if that plugin is activated or not.

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