Tagged: avia layout builder
As the title says, on my website, when making new changes to my pages, especially one in particular, the new changes will not show and usually will remove a bunch of content on the page. I have to then go to revisions and backup the original copy. I tried making just small changes and large changes, and get the same result. I tried increasing the memory limit and disabling the visual editor for my account.
Hey NYInnovations,
Login details are not working, could you check and verify please?
About your problem; that usually happens when there is open markup on the page. Please check for any instances of open markup before the layout is breaking.
<strong>Bold text closed properly</strong>
Best regards,
Login credentials fixed, go ahead and try again. Ill look to see if there is any open mark that i can tell.
That seemed to be the issue. Was able to find the missing tag. Thank you!