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  • #354332


    I have updated my Enfold 2.6 version to WP4.0.
    The following problem has arisen: I cannot edit the pages in which I used the Avia Layout Builder as the editor.
    The default editor seem to work

    I am using the Enfold theme on a second website as well and I have not yet upgraded to the latest version of WP
    Everything seems to work fine on this website.

    The following user seems to have the same problem:
    November 20, 2014 at 3:58 pm #354295
    Topic: JS error with advanced Avia builder

    Please advise



    Hi marcusmuler!

    Updating Enfold to the latest version (3.0.2) should fix this. See here for updating via FTP,

    Best regards,


    Where do I find this update?
    Enfold version 3.0.2



    The latest version is 3.0.4 now. You can download the latest version from your themeforest downloads page where the theme was initially purchased.

    If you have your themeforest api key then you can add it in Dashboard > Enfold > Theme Update so you can update from your dashboard.



    Hi Elliot,

    I ran into huge problems. I use the enfold theme for 2 websites
    website 1 – runs on wp 4.01 and on enfold version 2.6 with a enfold-child i installed myself – the avia layout builder doesn’t work
    website 2 – runs on wp 4.01 and on enfold version 3.0.4 but somehow the enfold-child has enfold version 2.6 running – this caused the website to crash.

    I received back up files (website_nl.sql and website.tar) and installed them. This does not solve the problem.
    In the adminmyphp files I changed in the config.php the style sheet from enfold-child/enfold-child to enfold
    This enabled me to update the wp database en login onto wordpress

    It shows the child runs on enfold 2.6 and the theme on enfold 3.0.4

    What can I do. should I create a new enfold-child and upload it via filezilla?



    When the parent theme is activated do you still see the problems? If not then it’s most likely an issue with your child theme. Send us a WordPress login and set your reply as private and we’ll take a look.

    Also be sure to deactivate all plugins while testing.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    I logged in but it looks like your still using Enfold 2.5 and WordPress needs to be updated. Go ahead and create a backup and update WordPress and Enfold to the latest versions so we can see what’s going on.

    I would activate the parent theme first to see if everything is ok and then activate your child theme to see if it’s causing problems.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    You can install a cache and minify plugin to improve page load. Usually minimizing the image file sizes and number of plugins that you install will greatly improve the performance. These are the things that you can do to optimize the website speed and page load courtesy of the wordpress community:

    1. Optimize all images with AI/Photoshop before uploading to server ‘save as web safe’ jpg
    2. Once all images are on the website optimize with ewww optimizer plugin twice 1hr 10mins apart.
    3. Install wp-smushit run once to remove jpeg extra data, then uninstall.
    4. Use BWP minify plugin to minify scripts and stylesheets.
    5. Install WP-Super cache, select all recommended settings.
    6. Logout your website, visit every page at least once to create super cache files.
    7. Join Cloudflare setup your website on their CDN, Choose options: Full CDN Optimisation save then activate purge files. once done log out.
    8. Have a cup of coffee.
    9. Visit your site after 20 minutes or so.
    10. Don’t forget to smile.


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