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  • #242651


    I’ve just upgraded to v2.6.2. I also upgraded my favourite newsletter plugin WYSIJA (which is now called MailPoet) to v2.6.1.

    Although I check my site between every upgrade (everything looked fine), when I then went to edit a post or a page using the Avia builder, all I get is the spinning wheel.

    Has anyone else encountered this? Any ideas??? I’ll raise it on the MailPoet support site as well.




    I have exactly the same problem so have had to disable Mailpoet to fix clash.



    I’m not familiar with the Mailpoet plugin. The only (very general) hint I can give you is to increase the allocated php memory: http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Increasing_memory_allocated_to_PHP to 128M. If this doesn’t help I hope the plugin author can provide a fix. Alternatively you can try a plugin like: Tribulant Newsletter Plugin or My Mail which works with our theme.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Dude. Actually I took this up with Mailpoet too and thye came back to me last night admitting that their latest release had a bug and I should delete the wysija newsletters folder using ftp then re-install mailpoet plugin from wordpress.

    I’ve done this and now Mailpoet is ok – i.e. I am now able to edit my pages again in Enfold.

    Best wishes,



    I got the same response as well. Derek – did you lose old data / newsletters when you removed MailPoet?

    Peter – thanks for the suggestions. I’ll put Tribulant and MyMail on my hit list of things to look at.





    Plugin and theme settings are saved in your database so removing a plugin shouldn’t remove its settings unless that specific plugin has a script to do so.

    You can ask the authors directly if that is the case.



    Hi all,

    Yep – plugin authors came back confirming all okay to delete and reinstall. I’m always a little nervous about that in case the plugin delete’s gracefully and removes its bits from the database. All done and back to being a happy bunny!



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