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  • #1318266

    Hi there
    I have no clue how to get the Avia Layout Architect to stay visible on top of the page. When I write a long article it is pretty cumbersome to scroll to the top, choose first a layout, place it where I was writing last, scroll up again to either pic a content or media element to drag it down again to the newly created layout element.

    Avia Layout Architect vanishes out of sight when scrolling down the page. I disabled the UAG-Template btw to make sure it’s not interfering with Avia Layout Architect.

    The option in settings to show the “upper toolbar” doesn’t seem to have an impact wheter the aria layout architect stays visible on top or not. And I don’t see any floating toolbar or icons to add something in the text without scrolling up and dragging down.

    I appreciate any tip :-) Ty, Michelle

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by szenemagazin.

    Hey Michelle,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can use the expand option to make the builder fullscreen. It is located right beside the Templates button. The builder tab sticks to the top when the builder is expanded.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael
    Unfortunately there is a Templates-Button (“Vorlagen”) only (?) I tried it in 2 different browser on Mac Big Sur (Chrome 92 and Firefox 92.) This is all I see


    Before scrolling with “upper toolbar” and “fullscreen mode” in the settings. No “expand”-button next to templates (“Vorlagen”). And… no other toolbar either to undo stuff for example

    After scrolling with “upper toolbar” and “fullscreen mode” in the settings



    Thank you for the update.

    Looks like the expand button is not available when the Block Editor is active. Are you actually using the new block editor? If not, you can switch back to the classic editor by adjusting the Enfold > Theme Options > Select your editor settings.

    We will forward the issue to our channel.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael

    Yes, I was using the new block editor. When I switched to the WP Klassik-Editor the “expand”-Button appeared and with that the avia layout architect stayed on top (in fullscreen-mode).

    For me it would be nice if the toolbar would be sticky on top, regardless if expanded or not. Drag’n’drop is easier when you don’t have to search for the spot where you want to place a new element. And with that Avia Layout Architect you are literally forced to do that with every element you want to use.

    Thanks for your help, saves me a lot of time. And thanks for passing along, that in the new block editor the expand-button is missing :).



    No problem. Thank you for your patience. We will probably include the expand button on the latest version of the theme, or make sure that the builder tabs are sticky when fullscreen mode is enabled. Please feel free to open another thread if you need anything else.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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