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  • #1003716

    The Enfold front page Avia / editor is not loading, despite having used it a couple of days ago and despite the other page editors working fine. It just keeps giving me a loading symbol and there is no way for me to edit the Front Page content. Access to this content is urgently required.

    Also, I am getting the message that the Google Maps Javascript API included with this theme is a retired version. Please help!


    Hey stephberts,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Did you add any custom scripts to the front page? Please set the builder to debug mode so that we can check the shortcodes.


    Best regards,


    We have tried disabling all plug-ins and the Avia front-page is still not loading.

    We have added the debug code, if you could please login and help to resolve as soon as possible.



    *Sorry, set to debug mode* that is. Hoping for a timely response from your team today.



    The homepage shortcode has 6 errors due to which the ALB may not be loading.

    I have re-created the homepage please see link in private.

    Please re-create the slider element on top and make the necessary changes and replace your homepage with this one.

    For testing purpose, I have disabled the CSS and JS merging in Enfold > Performance.

    You can enable this once all edits are completed.

    Also noticed you are using an old version of the enfold theme. Please update to the latest version.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Vinay.
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