Hi Guys,
I have another website which is having an issue with WP Globus multi-language.
Screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/qv0j3q
The main language is overwritten with the second language, in this case the Arabic shows up to both english and Arabic.
All is working fine in terms of translation except for the one being made in avia framework.
Thank you,
Hey rakista80,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Looks like you’ve already disabled WP Globus and replace it with the Weglot plugin. Is it working properly now?
We usually recommend Polylang or W.P.M.L for multilingual sites because they are compatible with the advance layout builder.
Best regards,
Hi Ismael,
Yes, i already changed the plugins and it’s working fine.
I also normally used W.P.M.L. for multilingual but for some reason i receive “fatal error” when i installed WPML for this particular website so i switch to other plugins.