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  • #1396944


    I update my Enfold theme (Worpdress 6.1.1 and Enfold 5.4).

    Since my provider send me a message concerning the end of support for PHP 7.4, I decided to change PHP version to 8.1 (recommanded).

    No problem following this change : the site is working fine.

    But the advanced editor doesn’t show up anymore ; pages are still there but I’m unable to change them.

    I went back to PHP 7.4 (I will have to pay for an extended support, no problem). But I really want to be able to use the last version of PHP.

    Do you have any cue to make Avia editor working with the latest versions of PHP?

    Best regards and thank you for your help.



    Hey Michel,

    Please create temporary WP admin and FTP logins and post them here privately.

    If you are currently using PHP 7.4, please create a staging copy of your site and upgrade PHP to 8.x so we can inspect the issue.

    Best regards,



    Since I have no time to create a staging copy (my site is for a sports club and not for a commercial use), When you will be ready to inspect it, I will update to PHP 8.0 the actual site and give you an admin login.

    To have the 8.0 version has no effect on the site : the only problem, is the avia editor that dissapears.

    During your inspection, I will not edit any page or post.

    If you don’t find a solution, I will pay an extra-fee to my provider to support PHP 7.4 (but it’s a bad solution).

    If you’re ok with that, in my next message, I will send you an admin login.

    Thanks for your quick answer.

    Best regards,



    Hi Michel,

    Please post both WP admin and FTP logins privately. I’ll look into it as soon as I can.

    Best regards,



    Sorry for my late answer,

    I’m not on my webmaster tasks all the time.

    I give you my FTP access and login in the private part of this message.

    I have informed all the writer that the advance editor is off during few days.

    Best regards,



    Hi Michel,

    Thanks for the information.

    FTP logins work but WP admin logins do not. Please check them once again.

    Best regards,



    The new password in the private area.




    Hi Michel,

    This looks like a plugin conflict.

    Please try deactivating all active plugins and check if that helps. You can then activate them one by one to find the culprit.

    22 of your plugins have new versions. Updating them might fix the issue as well.

    Best regards,



    I’ve done it before.

    I will put our site on maintenance and try it again.

    I’ll give you the results ASAP.

    Best regards,




    I’ve found the problem.

    Even updated, the Disable Gutenberg plugin (2.8.1) makes the Avia Editor crash. Up to the Enfold team to see what the problem is.

    Since, I use the Avia editor, I will disable it. I’m stuck with the Gutenberg Editor which is not a huge problem.

    I can use now the 8.1.14 PHP version and won’t pay the extended support to my provider.

    Best regards,




    If you do not need the WP block editor (= Gutenberg) Enfold has an integrated option to disable it without the need of any plugin:

    Theme Options Enfold -> Theme Options tab -> Select Your Editor at bottom.

    And if you want to switch depending on page/post you edit you can also do that with

    add_theme_support( 'avia_gutenberg_post_type_support' );

    This adds additional options on options page and links to open a page/post

    Best regards,

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