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  • #964582

    I have used the Timeline element > Horizontal in a website.

    I have 4 problems:
    1) How do I hide the milestone markers? The thin vertical lines. I tried to set the display: none, but have no clue on what class
    2) How do I change the size of the circle behind the icon? Il like it smaller by 50%
    3) Why is the horizontal line connecting the 5 milestones so thin and light grey? How do I change that to thicker?
    4) Why are the arrow buttons (left and right) not working? On a smaller device like iPhone, the 5 milestones are displayed as only one element, and it should slide from left to right and back when clicking the arrow buttons.

    I have an example as JPG.


    Hey steenvreter,

    you can achieve most of the tasks from your list with a little custom CSS.

    1) There is supposed to be a title below the lines, in case of your content, it could look something like this:
    To hide the lines you can use this custom CSS:
    .avia-timeline-horizontal .av-milestone-date span:after{display:none !important;}

    2) Changing the size of the circle is not recommended,
    there is quite a complex markup/stylesheet in place to ensure that the timeline works in all browsers and screen sizes.

    However, here is way how to make the circle look smaller by adding a border.
    .main_color .avia-timeline .milestone_icon{ border: 10px solid #fff !important; }
    This is just a starting point though, you might need to make further adjustments to the line-height and the different media-queries.

    3) Use this CSS selector to adjust the dashed line to your liking: .avia-timeline-horizontal .av-milestone-icon-wrap:after{border: ....}

    4) This has been fixed in one of the previous releases. You are using the version 4.3, the current one is 4.4

    Best regards,


    Thank you Tina,

    Problems solved



    I’m glad you were able to get this resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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