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  • #1212611

    with the last release 4.7.4 of enfold we lose the ability to control h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 font sizes in the “special heading” module of the avia page builder.
    Inspecting code in front end show that the font-size is applied to the wrapper div with the class: .av-special-heading
    but this css rule do not aply to the <h> child (with the class .av-special-heading-tag )
    So we can not control the size of our special headings ?


    Hey miayuno,

    Did you make any settings to header elements under Enfold->Advanced Styling?

    Best regards,


    Hello, thank you.
    No : we did not .
    Should I try this : make a “settings to header elements under Enfold->Advanced Styling” ?



    Yes, please.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    ok i made a dev (see link) where, in advanced stylling I created a customize All Headings (H1-H6) and put a blue background

    for example the second title of home page : EL MÉTODO <span>MI AYUNO</span> is h2
    in heading module the font-size is set to 100px
    but we see that this font size of 100px is not applied to h2 because (with css inspector) we see the font size is applied to the wrapper of the h2



    Add this to quick css:

    h2 span{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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