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  • #1001025

    I see that we are now able to use the Avia Layout Builder for a post which is great because I can finally construct a nice header image easily, but the post does not include the related articles, comments, or share bar that my other posts created with default wordpress layout has. How can I build a page with Avia and still have these items at the bottom? Thanks.


    Hey Mike,

    You could add the “Social Share Buttons” and “Comments” elements to your post template. You’ll find these elements in the “Content Elements” section.

    Best regards,


    Hey Dude,

    Thanks – I actually tried doing that and for some reason the comments section wasn’t showing in preview, however, it’s showing on the live site. I also liked the “related items” section but I guess I can live without that for the time being. Thanks for your suggestion!



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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