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  • #759747

    Hi there,

    I noticed that the most recent update of the Enfold theme also entailed a rather comprehensive upgrade of the built-in Avia Layer Slider feature.

    Although I had hoped that this upgrade would eventually cause the slider to respond properly to different dimensions of mobile computing devices, my hopes were apparently in vain.

    Although I selected the “Responsive” Slider Type, with a canvas size of 1920px x 900px, I find it odd that I cannot limit the max width to the same 1920px in order to maintain the proper proportions of the slider when looked at larger screens.

    It goes without saying that the slider still won’t display properly on an iPad, for instance.

    Frankly, it’s simply beyond me, how the developers of the Avia Advanced Layer Slider can waste so much time on creating new features, when their slider wouldn’t even display properly on one of the most popular mobile computing devices currently available. I had nothing but trouble using this feature and I’m beginning to resent it for being so ill-conceived. Why isn’t there a fix for this issue that would finally enable users to display these sliders, including text layers, on popular mobile computing devices as well. I’m sorry for being blunt, but I think this needs to be said as well.

    To make things even worse, I had a somewhat workable work around for this issue before, which no longer works following the update. So, please kindly take a look at the slider for my blog on an iPad or other tablet and let me know how we can properly position the text layers on such devices.

    As always, I appreciate your time and help with this problem


    Hey MadRhino,
    Could you please include a admin login in the private content area so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I was finally able to restrict the maximum width of the slider 1920px; however, the whole thing didn’t make any difference.

    The two text layers are still out of place when I look at the slider on my iPad.

    Would you mind taking a look? I’d appreciate it. You can find the login info below.

    Many thanks.



    I inspected your site and the text elements has a negative left, so, to fix it, remove this negative left position with this custom CSS code at enfold theme options > general styling > quick CSS

    .ls-wrapper {
    left: 17px !important;

    let me know if it works :)

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Thanks John, but I’m not sure where from you’re getting this.

    I only worked with a negative margin on the left while the canvas size was changed to 1140 px during the update.

    As indicated in my response to Mike, I have since corrected this.

    The slider is still not responsive thought and the text elements are moved outside the view port when viewed on an IPad, for instance.

    Can you please look into that again? I’d appreciate it


    Hi MadRhino,

    Negative left alignment is still there. You might want to adjust those layers in LayerSlider.

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    I’m terribly sorry, but I still don’t know where you are getting the negative left alignment from.

    Unless, I’m looking at the wrong element (“Styles” of each Layer) within Avia Advanced Layer Slider, all of my layers have a 150px left alignment value – except for the “Subscribe” layer, which has a value of 237px. Where do you see the negative left alignment? Maybe it’s a cache issue.

    Please kindly double check, using the login credentials I provided earlier.

    Many thanks for your time and help with this.


    Hi MadRhino,

    I attached the screen in the reply above. I checked today in Firefox, Chorme and Safari on a Mac, the title, subtitle and the button are all beyond viewport.

    It was a setting from where to calculate position. It has to be set sides of the screen for this case. I changed that.

    Let us know if you have any more questions.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria, that worked.

    What did you change? I’m having the same problem on the slider of my home page.

    To me, this suggests that some settings/values must have changed during the update. I don’t want to bother you, but could you please tell me exactly what you changed on the LayerSlider settings of my blog. I would really appreciate it.

    Many thanks


    Hi MadRhino,

    Yes, you have to go to every layer of the slider and in styles tab set “calculate position from” to “sides of the screen”.

    Let us know if this was helpful.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Victoria. It works now.



    Glad that it’s fixed :) Let us know if you need more assistance or if we can close this thread.

    Best regards,

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