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  • #1270165

    We’ve installed bbpress with Enfold – and it’s just great how it works nicely and displays in the theme’s look & feel! Thanks for that!

    However, I haven’t found a solution to add an avatar to user profiles. Gravatar, as I understand, will ask the user to sign up to WP in addition to the site, which is not very practical.

    We tried https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-user-avatar/ but while my avatar now shows in the backend on my profile page (admin status), it is not displayed with my bbpress posts and neither in my WP editor backend header.

    Since Enfold is supposed to integrate with bbpress, can you please suggest an avatar plugin that is compatible?

    Cheers, Jens


    Hey Jens,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    I just tested tested the plugin on my local installation and it worked fine. Please see private content field for screenshots.

    Could you please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can check the settings? :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Yigit. Your screens look fine indeed.
    Login in private content.

    Once we’re at it a rather silly, unrelated question: Where in the WP backend can I edit the funtions.php? Just couldn’t find it..



    Editor should be under Appearance tab however it is missing on your installation. It might have been disabled in wp-config.php file. Please check the file to see if that is the case.

    Do you have some sort of server side caching? If so, could you please try to clear it and see if that helps with avatar issue? If it does not, I believe there might be a plugin conflict.




    Editor should be under Appearance tab however it is missing on your installation. It might have been disabled in wp-config.php file. Please check the file to see if that is the case.

    Yes, that was where I was looking for it but couldn’t find the functions.php..
    Sorry, I wouldn’t know what to look for in the wp-config.php.
    We have no caching plugin installed. Puzzled.
    Could you help out here as well?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by DGITeV.


    Thank you for the update.

    In the wp-config.php file, try to look for the DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT constant and set it to false or remove it completely.

    // https://wordpress.org/support/article/hardening-wordpress/#disable-file-editing

    This should enable the Appearance > Editor option back, and you should be able to edit the functions.php file from there.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, Ismael – editing the wp-config.php as you suggested brought the functions.php editor back into my backend. Excellent!

    The original issue, however, remains unresolved: Still no avatar images appearing here with bbpress on my installation. Any idea that could help?



    We tried to access the site again today but there is an issue establishing connection to the database. Are you working on the site or the database?

    Best regards,


    I’m sorry. The site is back up again now.



    Thank you for the update.

    Looks like the default avatar from Ultimate Member plugin is displaying as the profile picture instead of the actual gravatar. What happens when you disable the Ultimate Member plugin? You may need to wait for a bit after disabling the plugin before the changes will be reflected in the front end.

    Or try to toggle the Ultimate Member > settings > users > turn off gravatar option.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, deactivating Ultimate Member solved the issue.

    You may, however, have a look at our forum at (PC). The formatting is not entirely up to compatibility with Enfold: quite a few skewed alignments.. Not a really clean look, though we are using Enfold’s standard typography. Anything we can do about that?

    And could you please advise how to remove the breadcrumbs from forum post pages? They interfere / overlap with long titles. Couldn’t find a way to edit that page?




    Glad it solved the issue.

    And regarding the text alignment and the space between the avatar and the name, please try to use this css code.

    .bbp-author-link.alignnone {
    	display: inline !important;
    .bbp-author-avatar {
    	margin-bottom: 20px;
    	display: block;

    Best regards,


    Thanks, Ismael. However

    1) The issue is not *really* solved, we just have a workaround. We would have much prefered to keep Ultimate Member. But no idea from on which side / component the incompatibility is coming.. So.

    2) As for the alignment issue, though, I would kindly ask you to revisit the pages linked in the above private content. While there are still misalignments in the post view, the post listing in the sidebar has become worse after inserting the suggested custom CSS unfortunately.

    Cheers, Jens



    Thank you for following up.

    1.) We might be able to use the following snippet to disable the get_avatar override from the Ultimate Member plugin.

    add_filter('avatar_defaults', 'um_avatar_defaults', 99999 ); 
    function um_avatar_defaults($avatar_defaults) { 
        remove_filter('get_avatar', 'um_get_avatar', 99999, 5); 
        return $avatar_defaults; 

    2.) Would you mind providing a screenshot of the alignment issue? You may need to disable the Performance > File Compression settings in order to see the css or style changes.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Ismael!

    #1) I suppose that code would go into the functions.php? In that case, I will have to check with the hoster, since it’s a Managed WP we’re on and we have no functions.php editor in the WP backend.

    #2) Disabled “CSS file merging and compression”; no change. Screenshot in PC. There are three issues here:
    1) Alignment
    2) Avatars now – after the fix suggested above – below the post title, very far from the author’s name
    3) What do we do about this overcrowded line? Losing either title or breadcrumbs makes it difficult to understand where one is and what the post is about.. Rather lose the breadcrumbs I’d say if I have to give up one of the two contents. How to?




    Thank you for the info.

    1.) Try to add this css code to align the subscription toggle with the favorite button toggle.

    #favorite-toggle {
    	display: block;

    2.) And this one to adjust the style of the avatar or author image.

    .bbp-author-avatar {
    	display: block;
    	float: left;
    	margin: 3px 6px 30px 0;

    3.) This one removes the main title.

    .main-title.entry-title {
    	display: none;

    And this removes the breadcrumbs.

    .title_container .breadcrumb {
    	display: none;

    If you would like to keep both, maybe you could adjust its style instead using the same selectors above, decrease the font size and what not.

    Best regards,


    Most excellent, thank you so much!
    All solved.


    Hi DGITeV,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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