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  • #1479219

    In administration > site health I receive this warning.
    The scheduled event ava_cron_post_css_delete_files was not triggered.
    Your site continues to function, but this may mean that the
    scheduled articles or automatic updates may not
    work correctly.

    Does this depend on the theme or the server configuration?
    Thank you


    Hey Luigi,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    This should be handled by the theme. Have you tried toggling the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings? You can also manually delete the old scripts and stylesheets in the wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia folder if the scheduled event continues to fail. Please make sure to create a backup before proceeding.

    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael,
    I have disabled file compression and merging but nothing has changed, still the same warning.
    I have also deleted manually but nothing has changed.
    I’ll leave you the credentials for the site and for FTP in private
    When you have time you can have a look at it

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