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  • #1316481

    Good evening,
    I am using the [av_privacy_google_tracking][/av_privacy_google_tracking] shortcode to allow users to choose whether to be tracked via google analytics or not. Until a while ago the button was clickable, now I realized that it is no longer, in fact by analyzing it I see that it has the “.av-toggle-switch.av-cookie-sc-disabled” class which makes it less opaque and I guess not clickable. Why does this happen? Does it make sense and is there a way to fix it?
    Thank you


    Hey marco_adinolfi,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You have to make sure that the consent message bar is enabled in the Enfold > Privacy & Cookies > Cookie Handling panel. The Enable cookie consent messages is probably set to the first option.

    Best regards,


    Sorry for the late reply.
    I think it is already enabled. The option is set to “Enable cookie consent messages = Enable cookie consent messages”.
    Is there another option to check?
    Thank you



    Thank you for the update.

    Can we access the site? Please post the login details in the private field and make sure that the Appearance > Editor panel is accessible so that we can edit the theme when necessary.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    That would not be possible, unfortunately. We need to access the site and inspect the elements directly in order to check the issue. Please create a staging or development version of the site.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    You mean by deploying it on another server or there is a way to create a “development copy” of the site?
    Thank you



    Thanks for the update. You can create a copy of your site using a plugin like this for example:

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the advice. Do you need an admin profile to check?



    Yes, we need an admin account in order to check the issue. Please post the details in the private field, and make sure that the Appearance > Editor panel is accessible.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the info.

    The toggle within the modal privacy window is still clickable as shown in the screenshots below. Which browser are you using?


    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    maybe it’s because I block third-party cookies by default?

    What do you mean? Are you referring to a browser option? Please try to check the site on a different browser or on a different machine.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    You should not disallow or block third party cookies because this will also disable the essential cookies, which the privacy options requires in order to work properly. Blocking all third party cookies in your browser will actually render the privacy options useless.

    Best regards,


    Ok so that’s the problem.
    Thanks for your help.
    Best regards



    No problem. Please feel free to open another thread if you need anything else. We will close this one for now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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